Wednesday 24 January 2018

How to Eat Fruits - When and How Much to Eat? A complete Understanding of Fruits

Fruits are a good source of many nutritional values that help your body to develop immunity against infections and diseases. Antioxidant fruits like Blue Berries, Straw Berries, Grapes, Mosambi, Orange, and Lemon are very important for protecting you from viral diseases including Coronavirus. 
So, develop a regular habit of eating fruits at least once daily. Keep changing the type of fruit often or according to the seasonal availabilities so that you can get the full benefits of eating multiple fruits. I am providing you some important facts also in the below paragraphs regarding the nutritional values and the ways of eating fruits. It is good to make a combination of two-three varieties of fruits in your daily plate, if possible. depending on your likes and tastes. 

Tuesday 8 March 2016

How Much Food Should I Eat - My Plate of Healthy Meals

If your body doesn't get enough food, it will become weak and sick; and you won't be able to perform your duties properly. The human body needs food for growth and also for being able to keep oneself healthy and active. So, proper nutrition is essential for the body. You need to eat healthy food that consists of all the required nutrients in a good combination. To get all kinds of nutrients, we need to consume sufficient quantities from each and every class of the five food groups like grains/cereals, pulses/legumes/nuts, vegetables, fruits, and milk products.

Thursday 7 January 2016

How much Water should I Drink - When to Drink and How Much

Water is an essential requirement of the body in order to digest the food we eat and also so as to safeguard the body from getting dehydrated, and to keep the body functional. But, how much water you need to drink is not clear. There are many confusing opinions regarding how much water one should drink per day. The health authorities used to recommend eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day as the standard requirement. That means you need to drink two liters of water per day. But that depends on other circumstances also.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Human Digestion Process: How it Transforms Food into Energy & Nutrients

Our human body is gifted with such a wonderful mechanism of the Digestive System. Most of us wonder about the amazing talents of computers and robots. But, once you start to think or study the functioning of your digestive system, you will realize how amazing and fascinating it is. 

Each action and movement of our digestive process is so well programmed and pre-planned through brain signals and muscle movements, that you never experience any stress or problem at all during that process unless something goes wrong.
Problems arise only when we are either careless in our food habits or due to the consumption of stale or infected food that damages our digestive system.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Seven Types of Tastes and Their Food Sources

An important factor in food is the taste that it provides to our taste buds. There are different types of tastes that satisfy our cravings for food. We sometimes like to have sweet recipes, sometimes want sour items and at other times salty items, like that. So, in addition to satisfying our hunger instinct, we are enjoying the taste of the food also whenever we consume food. Our taste of homemade recipes and that of eateries and restaurants provide us with varying and different kinds of tastes to satisfy our taste buds and give us a lot of joy in eating the food.

Let us have a look at the various types of tastes and wherefrom we can get those tastes naturally.